Live Webinar


June 27  | 7:00 PM (CET)

Success with the market leader

For industry insiders, career changers and entrepreneurs!

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Successful more than 250 times.

Become part of a unique success story in the fitness industry! In the last 5 years, more than 250 clubs have opened in more than 20 countries. The success principle is always the same: a staff-less, fully digitalized gym in a rural environment guarantees a fast break-even!

The fit+ clubs are the first port of call for athletically active people who are looking for a high-quality fitness club in the immediate vicinity of their home.


This webinar is right for you if …

you are looking for a serious possibility to generate safe earnings with little effort

you are looking for an easy, professionally guided entry into the fitness industry

you want to start your own business with a concept that has been proven two hundred times over

you want to open a fully digitized gym without employees

The fit+ concept: everything from a single source

The path to success in the fitness industry

At fit+ we offer all licensees optimal support from the idea to the finished studio! And all this from a single source – everything perfectly coordinated.

Onboarding process

Very important for you: Our experienced onboarding team goes the whole way with you. From the first conversation to the opening – and beyond!

Location search

Our experts will help you find the perfect location – professional competitor analysis and support with the lease contract included!


You only need a little equity capital for financing. We can help you find attractive leasing offers for equipment and furnishings.

Equipment park

fit+ clubs are equipped with brand-name equipment from leading manufacturers as standard. Strength, cardio and flexibility equipment are always on board.


From outdoor advertising to mirrors, lockers, locker rooms, water dispensers, and interior design, we offer high-quality and affordable solutions for everything.

Web appearance

Each fit+ club has its own website and Facebook presence. The complete package of the digital presence is available to you from the 1st day of advance sales.


The proven fit+ marketing concept for the opening ensures that many clubs break even in advance sales. All advertising materials are of course free of charge for you.

Advertising planning

fit+ offers you more than 100 proven campaigns – online and offline for your lasting advertising success.

Member management

fit+ takes over the membership administration completely for you. All premium payments and reminders are handled centrally.

Your Speaker: torsten Boorberg

Founder and CEO

Torsten Boorberg founded his first company back in 1995 as a student of economics. Nowadays he can look back on more than 30 successful start-ups of his own. He has actively supported more than 200 start-ups with his companies. He has trained more than 10,000 start-ups, entrepreneurs and their employees in seminars.

In 2014, he co-founded the fit+ licensing system with Björn Krämer and has since successfully opened more than 200 facilities across Germany and Europe.

Let Torsten introduce you to the fit+ concept in the webinar!


Your Webinar: 27 June 2024 | 07:00 pm (CET)

Register quickly now. It's free!










Little competition

A fit+ club has little to no competition on site.

Automatic access system

You don’t have to be on site. Access for members is via app. Visits and trial appointments are also fully automated!

Low fixed costs

There is still plenty of commercial real estate in the rural area at very reasonable rental rates!

The fit+ App

The fit+ app offers customized workout plans and important community functionality to reduce member turnover.

Register now for free

Your Webinar: 27 June 2024 | 7:00 PM (CET)

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We look forward to seeing you!